Help me to understand what frameless glazing system is! What should I choose? How to choose?
We have already written how to choose a sliding frameless glazing system, if you have not read it, go here. Today we will pay attention to those situations when it is not entirely clear which Vizyon frameless sliding system is still better for a specific situation. So here we will give technical material that will help you choose exactly what you need. We write a lot about this, and now we show it schematically.
Let us recall that sliding frameless systems are divided into the following types:
In this article, we will not speak on Vizyon automatic sliding systems, namely the VGS - a guillotine-type system for glass or multiple glazing unit and VPS pergola system.
In this article, we will not speak on Vizyon automatic sliding systems, namely the VGS system - a guillotine-type system for glass or multiple glazing unit and VPS pergola system.
Depending on system place of installation, whether it is a balcony, terrace, barbecue area, office, the main requirements are set for this system. For example, if the system is installed on a balcony, then the main requirement for the system is tightness. If the system is installed on the terrace, then one of the main requirements is to save space when folded. Also, one of the common requirements for a terrace is the convenience of daily use. If the sliding frameless system is used as an office partition, then the main requirements are imposed on the aesthetic appearance of the frameless system, leaves maximum height and width separately and in a construction as a whole, as well as the functionality of the frameless system.
We have shown each frameless sliding system in a vertical section, this information is important in cases where preparation is underway at the design stage or already at the construction stage, we should understand whether it is necessary to cut into the ceiling or sink in the floor. Does the frameless system have a lower guide or not. For the Vizyon KCS top-hung sliding frameless systems with parking, there are options for leaves parking. By the way, pay attention to the diagrams showing the options for installing a sliding door for the Vizyon KCS system. Vizyon balcony and terrace sliding frameless systems (VBS, VBS-X, VBS-L, VDS, VNS, VNS-X, VNS-L, VNS-D) are presented in our very large assortment. How do they differ? ertical sections of each of these systems show their differences and also allow you to make the right choice. We hope that this material will be useful to you. However, if there are questions without answers, please call and write to us, we are ready to provide you with accurate and necessary information.