Vizyon VBS sliding frameless glazing system of balcony type

Vizyon VBS frameless sliding system of balcony type is the most famous and popular version of the sliding frameless glazing, not only in the Vizyon TM product line, but all over the world. Because of a large number of manufacturers of such balcony type systems, it is very difficult to understand at first glance how they differ from each other. What is the peculiarity? Do frameless balcony type sliding systems differ in somewhat? Do they look the same and also open according to the same principle? We often hear such questions, so we are ready to share the facts that will be very important when choosing a balcony type sliding frameless glazing system.
So, the main details that are worth paying attention to.
- rollers
- number of leaves in the parking area
- glass fixing to pin
- angle passing
- ventilation function
- condensate collection and water outlet
- child lock
Vizyon VBS balcony type rollers are made are made of stainless steel, bearing, made of soft rubberized material. Due to this, the rollers move is very soft and quiet. Rollers work correctly in cold and hot weather. They have two adjustment options. The ability to adjust is of great importance for the correct operation, since the aluminum molding, depending on the temperature, can either expand or contract. Therefore, when buying, be sure to pay attention to whether the roller adjustment is provided. A sliding system installed in the cold season may not work in a proper manner in the summer, and vice versa if the sliding system is installed in the summer, then in the cold season there will be difficulties opening it.
Leaf parking
Most systems have a limited number of parking area, with a maximum of 9 leaves. This is due to the design of the plastic holder with holes for parking the rollers. You can reduce the number of leaves, but you cannot increase it. Also, in order to replace such a parking area, it will be necessary to
disassemble the entire construction in order to replace it with a new one. In the VBS system, this issue is solved as follows: the parking is mantled with special aluminum stoppers, thus there are no restrictions on the number of leaves, and most importantly, local service can be carried out without disassembling the entire construction. Also, as an additional insurance against possible loss of the leaf, additional parts are installed on the upper guide molding and in each leaf on the top, so it doesn’t allow the leaf to fall out or break the parking area.
Fixing to pin
Only expensive European brands provide for the possibility of glass fixing to pin. Basically, this function is in demand in top-hung frameless sliding systems, because the leaves do not have a lower support and there is a possibility of glass “slipping down” under the temperature due to its weight. In balcony systems, such a function is not necessary, but if the system is on the sunny side, there is a chance that neither the seal nor the double-sided adhesive tape can hold the glass in the panel molding and the glass can skew or “slip down”. If this happens on the first floor, then the most unpleasant thing in this situation is that the leaf will be difficult to open. But if it is a balcony of a many-storeyed building, then probably this situation could theoretically be dangerous.
Angle passing
Do all balcony type systems presented on the Ukrainian market can pass angles? No, not all systems can do this. Basically, their function is to converge in a corner or go in different directions starting from the corner. VBS system has several options for passing non-standard angles and shapes: 90 degrees, 135 degrees, semicircular, trapezoidal.
The ventilation function so far is present only in the VBS system. And it has two positions. A very important function when it rains, during the off-season, when there is a need for micro-ventilation of the room.
Drip tray
On any balcony there is an effect of glass fogging. Usually, all the water flows to the window sill, and a special drip molding is provided in the VBS system, which collects and removes water to the street.
Child lock
If there are children in your house, it’s a very important function, because you know children can be interested in everything. A small key is provided in the standard latch; if removed, the leaf will not open.
Vizyon Ukraine