Vizyon SCS-L, SCS-X sliding lower support frameless systems

In this review, we will describe in more detail the design of Vizyon SCS-L, X sliding frameless systems. So, in previous reviews, we have already noted that these systems can be of 3 and 5 rail, and these systems are lower support type.
The main difference between these systems is load distribution on the lower guide. The rollers are located in the lower panel molding, each panel has two rollers. Adjusting the SCS-L rollers allows you to determine the required clearance between the lower guide and the panel molding. The greater the load on the roller, the softer and smoother the leaf will move.
SCS-L roller
SCS-X roller
The maximum leaf height is 2500 mm with a maximum width of 1000 mm for the Vizyon SCS-L frameless sliding system.
The maximum leaf height is 2500 mm with a maximum width of 1200 mm with the Vizyon SCS-X sliding frameless system.
At the same time, there is a minimum recommended width: at least 450 mm at a height of 2500 mm for the Vizyon SCS-L frameless sliding system. The smaller leaf width, the lower the load on the rollers, so the leaf will "jump" when moving due to insufficient load. There are no such restrictions for Vizyon SCS-X sliding frameless system, because it uses a different type of roller.
Main differences between Vizyon SCS-L, X sliding systems
- hook between the leaves in one or the other direction
- smoothness regardless of the size
- two types of inter-leaf seal
- anti-vandal latches
- aluminum side caps on panel molding
- all roller parts are made of stainless steel
These systems have gained their popularity not only due to the ease of operation, but also due to the fact that their installation does not require any special preparation of the opening, and especially the upper part. Even if all the finishing work has already been completed, you can safely install a system of this type without the risk of additional work. The upper guide carries only the function of guiding the leaf, there are no rollers inside. The lower guide can be glued to the existing flooring. Side moldings are installed in cases when there are no own columns or walls on the sides of construction.
Vizyon Company